Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Geeks, Dorks, and Nerds

My daughter and I were recently discussing the precise definitions of Geeks, Dorks, and Nerds.

When I first started this blog, I could have called it NerdDoctor or DorkDoc, but luckily I chose Geekdoctor, since it aligns well with the definition of a Geek.

Here's the key vocabulary:

Geek – someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one, such as healthcare IT.

Dork – someone who has difficulty with common social expectations and interactions.

Nerd – someone who loves learning and academics.

My daughter and I agree that we're an admixture of all these qualities.

In high school, I was part of small cohort of computer geeks who used MITS Altair 8800 , Wang word processors, and 110 baud dial up teletypes with thermal paper instead of video displays. We were obsessed with the potential of early microcomputers, an esoteric subject that meets the definition of geeky behavior.

In elementary and high school, I wore shirts buttoned to the top and had no sense of fashion or rhythm. I was definitely socially awkward, a dork.

I spent 30 years in academics as a student, so I guess that makes me nerdy.

Of course, I've long exhibited other characteristics that are badges of courage for geeks, dorks and nerds.

*Watched every Star Trek episode multiple times and can recite most dialog from memory

*Played Dungeons and Dragons and Magic: The Gathering

*Favorite books include Lord of the Rings and just about any science fiction

*Favorite TV series include Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, and Dr. Who.

*Favorite movies include Star Wars, Blade Runner, and bad Japanese monster films

Here's a great video that embodies my Geek, Dork and Nerd values. Highly recommended!

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