Every year, like clockwork, the weather in New England changes from sweltering heat and humidity to the crisp mornings and long shadowed afternoons of Fall.
We put away our kayaks, plant mums, and harvest squash.
It's a great time of year.
The blackflies and mosquitos are gone, the buzz of air conditioners goes silent, and in September and October we have warmth with heat/cool without cold.
I grew up in Southern California where it's 72 year round. June and December are about the same, except that June can actually be more gray and gloomy.
I've been in New England for 15 years and look forward to my seasonal expectations.
Fall brings hikes in the White Mountains and the color changes of Autumn. It brings bike rides through backroads in Dover and Sherborn where farms are harvesting their Summer crops and putting away silage for the Winter. It brings festivals and gatherings. We all have one last opportunity to get together outside before cloistering ourselves for Winter.
On Columbus Day, my family will climb Mt. Monadnock and view the foliage in 3 states.
My wife and her NKG Gallery in Boston's South End are busy in the Fall with shows and openings. Here's a Boston Globe review of her Fall show (I know, a shameless plug, but that's a side effect of marriage!)
So get out, put on a sweater, and take in the sights, sounds, and smells of Fall. It's my favorite season.
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